Bedroom Allergy Issues – 4 Steps To Remove Allergens From The Bedroom

Living with allergies is difficult enough outside of the house, but when allergens make you miserable while you're in your own bed, things are downright miserable. Here, you'll find a few tips to help you keep your bedroom as allergen-free as possible.


Keep the bedding rather simple. Choose a thin comforter and cotton sheets and pillow cases. The comforter that you choose should be easy to clean – washing machine friendly – as you will be washing it often. Look for hiend accents bedding sets that are functional and beautiful.

Before you put your pillow cases and sheets on the bed, put a dust-mite-proof cover on the box spring, mattress, and all of the pillows you plan to keep on your bed. This will keep the dust from penetrating the mattress and pillows and decrease the need to clean them as often. Just remember to remove and clean the covers every couple of weeks.

Swap the Drapes

Those heavy drapes hanging in your bedroom are gathering all sorts of dust mites inside of them. Anytime they are bumped, those dust mites become airborne. Even the slightest air leak from around the window can cause those mites to break free.

Instead of drapes, opt for wooden blinds. The wooden blinds are easy to clean and will not trap as much dust on the slats as the drapes hold within the fabric.

Eliminate Furniture

Those extra pieces of upholstered furniture that you have in your bedroom are not helping things at all. The dust settles inside of the upholstery, and if you don't keep up with regular cleaning, it will fill the room with dust mites any time you sit on it or set something down on it. Eliminate any non-essential upholstered furniture from the space.


There are conflicting opinions about whether carpeting or hard floors are better for those that suffer from allergies. On one hand, you have carpeting that traps and holds dust mites – on the other hand, you have the hard floors that allow the dust to float on top of the surface. When it all comes down to it, if you are willing and able to run the vacuum in the space and have a very good heap-filtration vacuum, carpeting will be the better option. If you don't have the time to vacuum that often, hard floors would do better for you.

Shop around for the perfect bedding, update the window treatments, get rid of the things you don't need, and keep up with the cleaning — and your bedroom will be the escape from allergens that you need at the end of the day.

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Shop Til You Drop: A Shopping Blog

I absolutely love shopping, and I love all of it. I love strolling through open air markets in foreign countries, I like thrift stores and antique shops, and I even like big, busy, florescent-lit malls. Through my experiences, I've truly learned to shop til I drop. More importantly, I've learned how to delay "the drop". That includes everything from packing snacks and choosing meals strategically at the food court, to knowing which questions to ask store employees, to stretching before a long day of shopping. If you want tips on topics from shopping endurance to finding deals, you've come to the right spot. Look around. I hope you find posts that inspire you.


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